Added 4-3-20
Here is a Commission build by Steve Carricato of "The Whale Probe"
from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home.
This massive 2ft model will feature a Starling
light and sound kit.
Be sure to check on this W.I.P regularly and vist Steve's facebook
page below for more update photos and video.
Completed build Displayed at
Video and Photos added of the completed Build :)
Facebook whale probe Completed Video.
another link here to starshipmodeler
What an awesome build, looks just like in the movie :)
Video and Photos added 5-1-20
Facebook whale probe updates.
another link here .
If you are interested in a Professional,
please contact Steve carricato
Visit Steve's Webstore.
UPDATE : 4-5-20
Facebook Video
video added 4-5-20
The lights are actually slowly fading on, not blinking.
W.I.P. photos. 4-3-20