Background By:
Jeffrey Gaskin.




Photon Torpedo and Phaser LED Effect board.

Custom Built in the USA.

Also available to International buyers.

        Bringing your Star Ship the most Life like effects available ANYWHERE.

Here at Starling we're excited to introduce to you our Next generation of E/FX™ boards,
The Gen/3 Liberator, our advanced weapons system.

Starling is proud to be the first Vendor to offer awesome laser effects for their line up of starship boards.
Other vendors will be sure to follow.

   Not only do All boards incorporate dual photon torpedo effects, but they also incorporate 2 Phaser banks via Red Lasers.
Thats right, this exciting new effect provides Red laser phasers. LEDs just would not do:)

   The kit also features our super high quality sound boards that also offer a 1/8" sound out jack for external amplified speakers. The sound from these boards are truly amazing.

Features included on this board:
Dual Photon torpedoes.
Dual Phaser banks.
Our accurately timed navigational running and strobe lights for the labeled starship.
A feature we like to call the X-Lights bringing three extra effects.
Aux 4.5v power port to add your own sound board so you can add ship sounds, music, etc.

   The Model# S-G3L-1 LED board provides user interactive effects designed to mimic the Photon Torpedoes and Phasers fired from various star ships as seen in the movies to add life like visual effects as well as audio effects. Designed for models offered by various manufactures including : Polar Lights , AMT and Revell. Various star ships include : NX-01, NCC-1701-Refit, NCC-1701-A, TOS Enterprise, USS Relaint, or any other ship requiring this effect.

   Designed for ease of use and longevity, the board can be mounted directly inside the model, though we prefer to mount them inside the stand for easy access and control in the future.

   Powered by 9 volt or 12 volt power supply (Not Included).
Size of board is 65mm x 47mm (2 9/16" x 1 13/16") and will fit in the 1/350 Refit above hangar bay. .

Guys, this is one massive kit. Add one of our engine boards and a chaser board to complete an advanced effects starship. All thats left are your spotlights and window lighting.

Go to bottom of page to order for various ships.

1701-Refit and 1701-A

Features and Usage:
All modes produce sound with effects.
Different ships have different Nav/Strobe timings.

Torpedo Button:
1) Press push button quickly to fire single torpedo. Press again to fire opposite torpedo.
2) Hold button for 1sec to fire 3 fast torpedoes.
3) Hold button for 1 1/2sec for Battle mode. Battle mode fires random torpedoes and Phasers for awesome battle action..

Phaser Button:
1) Press push button quickly to fire phaser bank. Pressing quickly again will fire the opposite phaser bank.
2) Press and hold for a second, both phaser banks will alternate firing quickly as seen in TWOK.

Accurate Navigational Running and Strobe lights are provided for the labeled ship.

Privides welding/damage effect as well as on/off random lighting for inside lighting or spotlights.

Included in Kit:
All LEDs are pre-wired except for the 1.8mm torpedo LEDs.

1) Gen3 Liberator Board.
1) High quality sound board with speaker. Rear of board has 1/8" sound out jack for external amplified speakers if you wish to use them.

For nav/strobe:
Pre-wired LEDs.

For torpedoes:
2) 1.8mm red LEDs ( resistors are already soldered to board for these connections)
2) 1.8mm white LEDs ( resistors are already soldered to board for these connections)
1) Push button.

For Phasers:
2x Lasers (Extra lasers may be purchased)
1x Push button.
2pin, 4pin, 5pin, JST connectors provided so soldering to board is not necessary.

Pre-wired LEDS.

And a special LED light panel.


Your normal modeling tools.
Clear epoxy.
Solder and soldering iron.
Heat shrink 1 and 2mm.
Wire (Recommended 22awg to 24awg)


Hear the Authentic High quality sound. Check out video for various ships. Choice of two Different sounds for Torpedoes and Phasers.
To cut video time short, the X-lights Demo is time lapsed for effects B and C, as the effects are around 1 1/2 minutes between transitioning.

Provided LED light panel provides light for the forward section of your Shuttle Bay.

Choose your ship and sounds below.

Please view video to determine sound choice. Shipping Included.

$135.00 USA
$155.00 International

Supported Ships:
TOS NCC-1701.

Will be online for sale once we return.

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